Violence Reduction Alliance

Vulnerability Training

The VRA has developed free Vulnerability training for anybody working in the night-time economy. 

The VRA takes the safety and harassment of women and girls in public spaces seriously, particularly at night. We want to reinforce the message that women and girls have the right to feel safe and to help those who work in the night-time economy to identify when women and girls, or anybody who may find themselves vulnerable, require support. 

The online training modules also educate night-time economy workers on how to respond if a vulnerable person requires support or an incident arises. 

The free training, delivered by Re-Solv, is part of a range of wider initiatives to help tackle violence against women and girls (VAWG) including: Safer Places for Women and Girls Charter and Toolkit, Safer Streets projects and Personal Social Health and Economic (PSHE) Comic Books

What does the training include?

The online training includes five modules that explore:

  • Module 1 – Understanding Vulnerability 
  • Module 2 – Understanding Harassment 
  • Module 3 – Intervening and Responding 
  • Module 4 – Creating Safer Environments
  • Module 5 – Useful Sources of Support and Information 
Along with the training modules, we have also developed a booklet which has been designed to support night-time economy workers whilst at work. 

Signs someone may be vulnerable

  • Age 
  • Isolated alone (particularly at night) 
  • Being in an unfamiliar environment 
  • Being under the influence of drugs 
  • Victim of spiking 
  • Under the influence of alcohol 
  • State of mind 
  • Presence of an offender or someone who may take advantage

We have also created a shorter 30-minute introductory film covering:

  • Vulnerability and harassment
  • How to manage an emerging incident
  • How to create safer environments
  • The role everyone can play to improve the safety of women and girls and other vulnerable people – especially at night

If you work in the night-time economy and would like access to the training modules please email us. 

Have you been a victim or witness of harassment?

Have you been a victim of harassment or would like more information about how to safety intervene? We've listed the information below to help you.

What is harrasment?

If someone’s repeatedly behaving in a way towards you that’s making you feel scared, distressed or threatened, then you may be a victim of stalking or harassment. Find out more on the relevant links.

Staffordshire Police
Enough Campaign

How do I report harassment?

Staffordshire Police – If you, or someone you know, has been a victim of stalking or harassment there are a few different ways you can report it to the police.

StreetSafe – to anonymously report public places where you have felt or feel unsafe, because of environmental issues, e.g. street lighting, abandoned buildings or vandalism and/or because of some behaviours, e.g. being followed or verbally abused.

British Transport Police – The free Railway Guardian app helps you report crime to British Transport Police and provides information on what to do if you see sexual harassment on trains or at stations.

Further Information

Staffordshire Women’s Aid

The Survivors Trust (Rape and Sexual Violence Services)

Staffordshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner

Staffordshire Police

New Era – the new holistic Domestic Abuse (DA) service operating across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent

End Violence Against Women (for specialist women’s support services)

Suzy Lamplugh Trust (Campaigning, education and support focusing on stalking)

Help and Support available to you

Visit our Support page for further information and advice on where to go for support.


We are taking a partnership and inclusion approach to bringing about positive changes in communities throughout Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent. These projects are created or selected based on understanding and needs of local communities, brought by those who are living and working within them.

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