Violence Reduction Alliance

Issue 3

Download the third issue of the VRA Partner Newsletter which includes:

  • A welcome message from Staffordshire Council of Voluntary Youth Services Chief Executive, Phil Pusey
  • What the VRA and partners have been delivering across the five priority areas including:
    • A Vulnerability Dashboard
    • Free awareness sessions for parents and carers on gangs, exploitation and knife crime
    • Development of a new multi-agency Serious Violence Learning Debrief Process
  • News including the launch of the new Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Violence Reduction Strategy
  • Training & Events

Issue 4

Download the fourth issue of the VRA Partner Newsletter which includes:

  • A welcome message from Staffordshire Police’s Chief Constable, Chris Noble 
  • What the VRA has been delivering across their five priority areas including:
    • Free local Guide for Parents and Carers on Knife Harm 
    • Wider support for victims of exploitation 
    • Virtual Reality resources update 
    • Catch22 continue to deliver Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) service
  • Meets Our Partners – Staffordshire Police Violence Reduction Team 
  • News 
  • Training & Events 

Latest News

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We are taking a partnership and inclusion approach to bringing about positive changes in communities throughout Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent. These projects are created or selected based on understanding and needs of local communities, brought by those who are living and working within them.


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