Violence Reduction Alliance

Ask for Angela

Do you need discreet support?

Ask for Angela

As part of our commitment to tackle violence against women and girls the Violence Reduction Alliance (VRA) is promoting the Ask for Angela campaign across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. 

The Ask for Angela initiative aims to ensure that anyone who is feeling vulnerable or unsafe is able to get help and support discreetly. This could be on a night out, on a date or meeting friends. 

The initiative works by training staff in vulnerability management and what to do when someone ‘Ask for Angela’. When someone asks for Angela, the trained member of staff will understand the person is in need of help and support and will be able to respond in an appropriate, discreet way. This could be offering them an alternative way out of the venue, calling them a taxi, or in a more serious situation alerting venue security and/or calling the Police. Watch the Vulnerability video developed by the Safer Business Network to find out more. 

The Violence Reduction Alliance (VRA) wants to reinforce the message that women and girls, including anybody who may find themselves vulnerable during the night-time economy, has the right to feel safe.  To support this night-time economy workers to do this, we have developed free Vulnerability Training for anybody working in the night-time economy. 

Free Vulnerability Training

The VRA has developed free Vulnerability Training for anybody who works in the night-time economy. The training reinforces the message that women and girls have the right to feel safe and aims to help those who work in the night-time economy to identify when women and girls, or anybody who may find themselves vulnerable, require support. 

Find out more here.  

Welfare and Vulnerability Engagement Training

The Safer Business Network has developed this free vulnerability video to raise awareness of Ask for Angela and how vulnerability may look in the night-time economy. 

The Network has also developed Welfare and Vulnerability Engagement (WAVE) training to increase the skills, knowledge and confidence of those working in a customer facing role, focusing on identifying vulnerability and making appropriate interventions. The training also includes Spiking Awareness and Ask for Angela. 

Find out more here


We have created local resources including a partner pack with national resources, training opportunities and appropriate and effective messaging to help raise awareness of Ask for Angela. Download, print these resources to use across your channels.

Have you been victim of violence, abuse, intimidation or harassment?

What is harrasment?

If someone’s repeatedly behaving in a way towards you that’s making you feel scared, distressed or threatened, then you may be a victim of stalking or harassment. Find out more on the relevant links.

Staffordshire Police

Enough Campaign

How can I make a report?

If you or someone else is in immediate danger always dial 999 immediately.

Staffordshire Police – If you, or someone you know, has been a victim of stalking or harassment there are a few different ways you can report it to the police.

StreetSafe – to anonymously report public places where you have felt or feel unsafe, because of environmental issues, e.g. street lighting, abandoned buildings or vandalism and/or because of some behaviours, e.g. being followed or verbally abused. StreetSafe is not for reporting crimes or emergencies.

British Transport Police – The free Railway Guardian app helps you report crime to British Transport Police and provides information on what to do if you see sexual harassment on trains or at stations.

Local Support Services 

Staffordshire Police

New Era Domestic Abuse Service

Staffordshire Women’s Aid

Glow North Staffordshire

Pathway Lichfield and Tamworth

Help and Support available to you

Visit our Support page for further information and advice on where to go for support.


We are taking a partnership and inclusion approach to bringing about positive changes in communities throughout Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent. These projects are created or selected based on understanding and needs of local communities, brought by those who are living and working within them.

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