Violence Reduction Alliance

Partners of the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Violence Reduction Alliance (VRA) received training today which will give them the skills, knowledge and accreditation to train night-time economy staff on the signs of spiking, and how to respond if an incident occurs.

The VRA purchased the Train the Trainer Spiking Awareness course, which is delivered by Stamp Out Spiking, as part of their Safer Nights initiative. Safer Nights aims to support, advise and help educate everyone in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent to enjoy a great night out safely.

Deputy Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime, Helen Fisher, attended the training course to meet delegates and hear about their experiences involving spiking. Helen said:

“It is unfortunate that spiking is a topic we are having to train night-time economy staff on; however, this training will help to ensure that potential victims of spiking are safeguarded and do not come to any further harm.

“It is clear that those who have completed the training are committed to raising awareness of spiking and helping to ensure that those who enjoy the night-time economy are able to do so safely.”

Jeanne from Stafford Street Pastors, who has completed the Spiking Awareness course that partners will be delivering said:

“As a coordinator of Stafford Street Pastors, I was grateful to be able to attend the Stamp Out Spiking training today. There was valuable information about the increase in spiking incidents and helpful advice about identifying victims of spiking. I will pass this on to all my fellow Street Pastors – it is so important for us to be aware of this issue and equipped to identify incidents.”

Signs that somebody may have been a victim of spiking include:

  • drunk, woozy or drowsy;
  • blurred vision;
  • breathing difficulties;
  • confused or disorientated;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • memory loss;
  • difficulty speaking;

CEO and founder of Stamp Out Spiking, Dawn Dines said:

“We are delighted the Police and Crime commissioner’s office have funded this essential training to tackle spiking issues across Staffordshire, especially once everyone is trained and adequately resourced to tackle this terrible crime.

“Intervention, education, and training is key to dealing with spiking incidents to ensure safeguarding is cemented in place to safeguard our friends, families, loved-ones, towns, cities, and local communities on these hugely underreported crimes.”

Superintendent Mark Ward, of Staffordshire Police, said:

“We are continuing to work alongside local businesses to help tackle spiking and educate staff on ways they can help to keep people safe.

“The substances used to spike drinks can dissipate quickly, so reporting as soon as possible, or within 12 hours, will help officers gather the best evidence.

“We know that spiking offences are currently underreported and we want to give victims the confidence to come forward and report them.

“Anyone who believes they have been a victim or witness to spiking, in any form, should try and report it to police as quickly as possible. Please don’t be put off from reporting if it has been a few days since the incident, as there is still a possibility that testing can produce a result.

“Reports of spiking will be investigated and taken seriously. Call us on 101 or contact us through our Live Chat on our website.

“You can also report anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

The VRA has also purchased Stamp Out Spiking’s Awareness video which includes interviews from real victims of spiking. Watch the video here.

If you believe that you or somebody else has been a victim of spiking, you must seek help immediately. In an emergency always dial 999.


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