Violence Reduction Alliance

A service for vulnerable children and young adults affected by violence will be delivered by Catch22 across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, following the award of a new contract by the Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime.

Initially operating as a pilot scheme, the Violence Reduction Alliance (VRA)’s Navigator and Tailored Support Service works to identify and support children and young adults who are involved in, at risk of being involved in, or affected by violence and its associated harms.

Staffordshire Commissioner Ben Adams is Chair of the VRA. He said:

“Following a rigorous procurement process, I am delighted to announce that Catch22 has been awarded the contract to deliver the VRA Navigator and Tailored Support Service across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.


“The Navigator service has provided vital help and support for children and close family members during its pilot phase. This new contract will ensure appropriate support continues to be available for children, young adults and their families where they are identified as being vulnerable to violence.”

Evidence suggests that following a violent or traumatic incident, during presentation at hospital or custody, can be a period when people may be open to receiving support. Once identified, the Catch22 Navigator will work with them to build trust and will signpost them to appropriate services, or provide direct support through the Tailored Support Service.

Catch22 Service Manager for the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Violence Reduction Navigator and Tailored Support Service, Nigel Sargeant said:

“We look forward to working closely with partners to continue building on the positive impact from the pilot.


“We are pleased to be expanding provision across the County and City, whilst also offering additional tailored support for short-term, targeted interventions, to reach more children and young adults in need.”

Superintendent Bev Matthews, from Staffordshire Police Public Protection Unit, said:

“We’re pleased to be collaborating with our partners on this initiative and increasing the levels of support that vulnerable children and people can access in Staffordshire.

“Tackling violence and safeguarding communities from harm is a priority for the force and we welcome this initiative as a step in making sure we can do this effectively.”

For more information visit: Catch22 – Violence Reduction Alliance



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