Violence Reduction Alliance

Today marks the start of the national week of Knife Crime Prevention and Education Week

You could save a life by talking about #DitchTheBlade

Knife crime levels in Staffordshire are relatively low, and research has shown that 99% of young people ages 10 to 29 do not carry a knife.

Although it isn’t common for people to carry, we know that some young people think they need a knife to protect themselves, however by carrying a knife they’re putting themselves in greater danger as the knife they carry could be used against them.

As well as injury, those who carry could face a criminal record which could impact their future opportunities.

The impact of knife crime can be far reaching, affecting the families of those concerned as well as the wider community. This is why we are asking you to help the young people in your life understand the danger they can be putting themselves in if they choose to carry a knife.

We’re encouraging everyone to start a conversation with their family, reinforcing the message that it is not normal behaviour to carry a knife.

We know that the overwhelming majority of young people will never carry, or be affected by knife crime, but by bringing this topic out into the open and seeking your support we hope that we can collectively make a difference.

If you have concerns that your child, or another child you know, may be carrying a knife you can report it anonymously to Staffordshire Police via their website’s reporting form, direct messenger via their social media platforms, or call them on 101.

Always dial 999 in an emergency, such as when a crime is happening or if someone’s life is at immediate risk.

Alternatively, you can pass information to Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555 111 or via their website.

By reporting a crime or giving information you could potentially save someone’s life and prevent future crimes from happening.


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